Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet

Multiple health benefits of adopting Mediterranean diet

Research has shown that the traditional Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease and many other chronic diseases including reduced incidence of cancer and cancer mortality, and a reduced incidence of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Mediterranean diet helps lower blood sugar levels thus helping people with diabetes.

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Health benefits of colorful foods in Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet lowers risk of disease as it offers an unusually wide variety of colorful phytonutrients.

For example, polyphenols in blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, black beans, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds, artichokes, red onions, broccoli or spinach; anthocyanins in the - red grapes, pomegranate, red cabbage, purple sweet potato, purple tomato...  and other antioxidants in colored fruits and vegetables work together to provide multiple health benefits.

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Healthy Omega 3 fats in Mediterranean diet

It is a common known fact that Omega 3 fats help lower triglycerides, decrease blood clotting, and help improve the health of your blood vessels, and help moderate blood pressure. 

Mediterranean diet includes salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout, herring, sardines – and these are rich to good sources of the healthy omega 3 fats; (Review the Omega 3 fats content by

Tag : Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Content: | Image: Ella Olsson | Update: 03-Apr-2021

Monounsaturated fats found in Olive oil are heart healthy

Olives are rich in monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that resists oxidative damage from free radicals therefore more heart healthy.

Oleic acid accounts for most of the monounsaturated fat in Olives, and helps lower LDL cholesterol and homocysteine levels in the body. High levels of both increase risk heart disease;

Tag : Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Content: | Image: Joanna Kosinska | Update: 03-Apr-2021

Health benefits of Red Wine in Mediterranean diet

Similar to olive oil, red wine is rich in unique phytonutrients; Resveratrol in red wine helps improve blood flow to the brain and to help keep heart muscle flexible. Review the amount of Red Wine recommended in Mediterranean diet >>

Tannin and saponin glycosides are compounds in red wine that are heart-protective due to their total cholesterol-lowering and HDL cholesterol-increasing effects. 

The saponins in red wine also help prevent unwanted clumping together of red cells in the blood. 

Tag : Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Content: | Image: Brooke Lark | Update: 03-Apr-2021

Mediterranean diet is heart healthy

Certain foods may make a difference in reducing your risk of heart disease and Mediterranean diet includes fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains that contain many nutrients and a high antioxidant capacity that help protect your heart. 

Research states that Mediterranean type diet helps reduce many important heart disease risk factors like reduces total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.

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Mediterranean Diet reduces risk of death from Cancer

Mediterranean diet helps reduce oxidative stress and chronic inflammation thus decreasing risk of many chronic diseases like heart disease or certain types of cancer;

Mediterranean diet also includes fiber and a 'low omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio', both of which potentially help prevent cancer initiation and progression.

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Mediterranean Diet reduces risk of Alzheimer's disease

Mediterranean diet includes high intake of whole grains, fruits, nuts, legumes, fish and olive oil, and modest intake of red wine; these foods help reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease risk;

Tag : Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Content: | Image: Christina Rumpf | Update: 03-Apr-2021

Weight loss using Mediterranean diet

It’s not really a secret - the amount of calories one eats and drinks will directly impact one's weight. Ample research studies have compared multiple 'type of diets focused on comparing weight loss success - whilst the Mediterranean diet showed similar amounts of weight loss to a low-fat or a low-carbohydrate type diets - it's key components whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts also helped control blood sugar levels, lipid levels and reduced inflammation in the body.

So following a Mediterranean diet helps lose weight as well as is effective in lowering risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.

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Mediterranean diet helps improves insulin sensitivity

Mediterranean diet is rich in monounsaturated fats (olive oil, nuts, avocado) that helps improve insulin sensitivity plus lowers insulin and blood sugar levels after meals.

Tag : Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Content: | Image: Liz Joseph | Update: 03-Apr-2021