1 cup of Yogurt (low fat) = about 450 mg of Calcium. Note the daily Calcium requirements for most adults between 19-50 years of age is 1000 mg (Source - Calcium Fact Sheet by nih.gov).
Yogurt is also a good source of Protein, Vitamin B12, Potassium and Zinc.
When the body has so much Calcium why do we need more? A few reasons to note:
Calcium is essential for muscle contraction.
Calcium is essential for blood vessel expansion and contraction.
Calcium is essential for secretion of hormones and enzymes
Calcium is essential for nerve impulse transmitting.
1 cup of Cow's Milk (2%) = about 300 mg of Calcium. Fruits and veggies are also a good source of Calcium for people who can’t or won’t drink milk. Other Calcium rich foods include Tofu, Yogurt, Kale, Cinnamon, Sesame seeds, Cheese, Cabbage, Broccoli...
Do you consume at least 1 or 2 servings of dairy products every day? Do check this article on the same especially the 'daily dairy table' (Source Choosemyplate.gov)
1 cup of cooked Collard Greens = about 230 mg of Calcium. Nutrition wise Collard Green packs a massive punch as it contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, Folate, Manganese, Potassium and Fiber.
Other Calcium rich foods include Tofu, Yogurt, Kale, Cinnamon, Sesame seeds, Cheese, Cabbage, Broccoli...
Do you smoke?
If yes - than you should know that research studies indicate that smoking affects or decreases Calcium absorption.
1 cup of cooked Spinach = about 245 mg of Calcium.
Spinach contains oxalates and that affects the absorption of Calcium to understand more - do read this article on Oxalates by whfoods.com
Spinach has a power packed nutritional profile as it is a good source of Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Folate, Magnesium, Iron, Copper and has good amounts of Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin C plus Calcium and Potassium.
Spinach also contains phytonutrients carotenoids (lutein, neoxanthin, violaxanthin) and flavonoids (spinacetin, patuletin, jaceidin)
Do you eat 3 to 5 servings of green leafy vegetables a week?
No matter what your answer is - even if it is a maybe - do glance through - the table titled 'cup of vegetable table' available on choosemyplate.gov;